Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to write out an invitation properly?

im having a baby shower next month and its going to bed a much more classy occasion then you normal at home party, its at a proper venue with lunch provided etc.

anyway i need to write these invitations properly my baby is a boy and we're naming him zackary, my best friend is chucking me the baby shower so all im doing is the invitations, i heard you need to put the hosts on the invite and im not sure weather to put that shes inviting in my honor or just put "your invited" so here is what i have so far, and if anyone can reright this for me so it looks really professional that would be awesome!

Danielle rose-Black

Would like to invite you to the baby shower of Zackary in the honor of Ann ray

At the Lodger Hotel

On Sunday the 16th of October 2011

At 11.30am until 4.00pm

RSVP by Tuesday 4th of October 2011 by calling Ann on

0400 000 000How to write out an invitation properly?
Go online and look at the sample invitations that people are ordering for their baby showers to get the wording and phrasing correct. Or go to library and get a book on etiquette and read some sample of sending out invitations, etc. Good Luck.How to write out an invitation properly?
Danielle Rose Black, friend of Ann Ray %26lt;---you can leave this out if it sounds to wordy
Is cordially inviting you to the baby shower of Zackary(insert last name here)
In the honor of Ann Ray

The shower will be held at The Loger Hotel
*OR you can write it like this:
The shower will take place at The Loger Hotel

On Sunday, the Sixteenth of October, Two Thousand and Eleven

At Eleven Thirty in the morning until Four O'clock in the evening (or afternoon. It doesn't matter)

*OR you can write it like this:

The shower will begin at At Eleven Thirty in the morning and end at Four O'clock in the evening

Please RSVP by Tuesday, the fourth of October, Two Thousand Eleven by contacting Ann at

555-555-555 ( insert phone number here)

We hope that you can attend this special day.

*To make the card very classy and formal, use a fancy font ( think of a wedding invitation but a little less casual.)

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