Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How is the legal recognition of same-sex marriage an issue of limited government?

People always say: "If you are for limited government, why do you care if gays are allowed to get married?"

If state governments allow for the legal recognition same-sex marriage, wouldn't that mean the government is expanding its power to open a state-regulated institution to even more couples? They are trying to regulate even more partners. Sounds like an expansion of government to me.How is the legal recognition of same-sex marriage an issue of limited government?Actually, proponents of limited government should be against any government involvement in any marriage.

I presume that you support the idea of government getting out of the "marriage business." Right?How is the legal recognition of same-sex marriage an issue of limited government?More wisdom from the Hermanator!

Quite correct. Marriage is not just a ceremony of commitment, it's also a contract with the state.

A huge drive behind this is nothing other than money.

The activists say they want everyone out of thier bedroom. Legalizing "gay marriage" would just get everyone who has paid taxes on anything involved in their sex life.

I want nothing to do with it.

Also, it's worth noting that Hispanics and African-Americans helped get Prop 8 passed in California.

I love it!

And let's get Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann on the GOP ticket in 2012!How is the legal recognition of same-sex marriage an issue of limited government?It's not an issue period.

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