Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do Elephants and other animals know how to have sex?

Its a stupid question but how do they get "educated" about sex. With humans we can talk so we get educated about sex etc. but how do animals just think "hmm... I wonder what would happen if I stick this long thing into the hole of that animal". I mean they can't even see their own penises!How do Elephants and other animals know how to have sex?This question is really edging on the perverted side, but I will at least provide an answer. Animals do not have sex. The only animals that have sex are humans and dolphins. Humans need to be educated because of overpopulation, disease transmission, and unexpected pregnancy. Animals do not have these concerns or problems. The mating instinct is the single most basic instinct an animal has, next to breathing %26amp; eating. They don't need to learn or be shown. They mate to reproduce and then they're done. Some animals for bondings pairs, but generally not... No animal is going to go about looking at itself in the mirror and try to figure out where to put the things they see. It is instinct. And I sure hope you are not some kind of pervert for asking this and I am stupid for answering.How do Elephants and other animals know how to have sex?what else but good ol' instinct?!

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