Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having sex multiple times a day?

My boyfriend and I cant seem to keep our hands off each other. Im worried that there might be some disadvantags to having sex multiple times a day and I would like to know what they are. Advantages too. Please help? :) thank you.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having sex multiple times a day?Well so long as sufficient arousal is maintained there should be enough lubrication to lower the friction level and not cause you pain or feeling raw if you do start feeling raw that means that the friction is higher which can mean that you are having micro-scrapes/scratches which can promote the transference of blood born pathogens (such as std's)

It lowers his sperm count if you have sex multiple times per day which if you are trying to get pregnant is a disadvantage

if you are not trying to get pregnant it is possible that the increased frequency of sex provides an opportunity for you to become pregnant. So use protection or birth control every time and this problem goes away

over relaxation of the penis can cause damage to the cells (because of de-oxygenated blood) causing the future potential for erectile dysfunction for him, however this could also be expecting you preforming a ridiculous amount of the time.

Advantages, well generally it feels good, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it.

It can cause you both to grow closer because of production of chemicals in your brains associated to the other person (whether or not this effect will last with the same person is another question entirely)

Honestly there is nothing really wrong with it, you just need to be carefully that you don't get hurt from doing it to much (the friction thing) because it will take a few days to heal (and not feel raw) and during those few days you will not feel like having sex and making it worse.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having sex multiple times a day?advantages: happiness, satisfaction, good exercise, keeps you both closer to each other, keep the flame of love alive

disadvantage: exhaustion...LOL

basically, it's not at all bad to have sex everyday, but it's much more enjoyable and more if done with limitation. multiple times a day is great as long as it's not everyday. for everyday case i suggest make it just 2-3 times a day to keep yourself open to do things. i'm sure you have other things to do besides sex, so you have to reserve energy for that other activity.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having sex multiple times a day?If he is constantly hard, it be as far to say he may be on horney goat weed or sneaking some viagra here and there which wont be good in the long run as u'll feel tricked and hell feel he has to keep it up,

if it is natuaral it should slow down and come to a decent level probably mornings ha ha

if he continues to rock hard all the time i would say hes on something

wants you to think hes a sex god it sounds lolWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of having sex multiple times a day?
see anything is good in limited quantity it imean anything from food to medicines or sex or masturbation...........

its good once in a week

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