Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who was the first person to have sex in outer space?

I mean first two people. Does it happen like everyday, now with the space station and stuff. Seems like sex without gravity would be so awesome somebody that has been up there before could give the rest of us the juicy details.Who was the first person to have sex in outer space?NASA is not actively conducting sexual experiments in space, neither are the Russians.

the reason why is because they don't want to have a baby conceived in space since they are unsure of what its condition will be like on earth after being "raised" for a period of time (the most important time) without the proper amount of gravity.

they fear it would complicate its life in the future.

also they've all be flooded with funding from mostly conservative groups.

these groups don't look highly upon their money being invested in sexual experiments.

NASA doesn't want their funding pulled.

now whether or not its every really happened off the books is unknown, since its not in the books.

there are rumors going around that a couple did have sex in space but no agency is confirming it.

I doubt it is true. I think they're a little too busy doing other things and can't find the privacy鈥?/a>

and micro gravity conception and the problems that might arise, I'm sure would be a concern of theirs as well.

honestly sex in space doesn't sound to awsome to me. too much struggling. each thrust would cause the two of you to seperate and fly across the room way from each other

plus micro gravity causes our blood pressure to drop, making erections limp

and sweat doesn't evaporate, meaning you'd have it stuck on your skin, your face, and your eyes and it would just build up until you where completely drenched and uncomfortableWho was the first person to have sex in outer space?
%26gt; Who was the first person to have sex in outer space?

Whoever it was isn't saying, and the two space agencies (both NASA and Russia's) aren't saying either.

%26gt; Does it happen like everyday, now with the space station and stuff.

Nope. Again, no one is admitting it's ever happened at all. It's almost certainly happened at least once, but none of the participants have fessed up.Who was the first person to have sex in outer space?Well I didn't want to brag but when I got abducted the other night I had a "good time" with this fine little alien chick, so I'm guessing I am the first human to have sex in space, and not just that but the first to have inter-species sex in space! All joking aside though we may actually have the first couple to have sex in space within the next few years. Bigelow Aerospace is working on building a space station and soon space tourists will be going up there and they are most likely going to have sex.
I think having sex in space would be very hard to do. you are floating around and if you thrush yourself into another woman she will literally fly into a wall. it be very messy too, more so in space than on Earth since you "stuff" will be floating every where and its not a pretty sight.

Don't get me started about giving birth in spaceWho was the first person to have sex in outer space?to my knowldge there has yet to be a properly recorded act of sex up in outerspace as there are many regulations astronutes have and just like any workplace relations regulation sex is bade against the rules (lol i think that it takes the fun though)

so i suppose its still a matter of time till someone breaks the rules and when they do im sure we will all hear about itWho was the first person to have sex in outer space?
James Bond, in Moonraker
these are sciencetistist up there man, and we all know they never get laid so i assume never... gimmi a trip up there with my girlfriend thou and i can tell ya.Who was the first person to have sex in outer space?
probably the monkeys they sent up there.
No human couple has had sex in space.
the monkey
Does me in my treehouse count?

unfortunately alone.

it was a really tall tree, if that matters.

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