Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?

I find that most couples prioritize sex differently in their relationship. For me, sex is extremely important but for my wife it is a low priority. Just want to know others' take on this. Thanks.How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?High for me...low for her...How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?
She won't think sex is low priority when she see's that another woman will do it for you. Tough situation your in. I recommend going to counseling so you can address these issues with your wife without being called some crazy sex driven pig by your wife. Hopefully a professional can explain to your wife how important sex is in relationships. Don't cheat though, it's not worth it, move on if your wife will not ever see your point of view on it because you will not be happy and then you will cheat and then you will be the bad guy.How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?Has your wife stated that it's a low priority? Just wondering...I bet my husband will tell you the same thing. It's not, though. I used to have a very high sex drive. I was like an 18 yo boy, all of the time. But, after some time, I find that certain men will not take the time to just talk to me, or find out what is important to me-THAT is more sexual to me than pulling off all of my clothing. Having an intellectual conversation is perhaps, one of the most stimulating things in the world. It seems now, time is not taken to make love anymore or just have a good romp. Sex is a very high priority to me. But, I am simply not turned on by someone who doesn't take the time to talk to me or try to turn me on for more than 15 min. It's just very sad that it doesn't happen anymore like it should.
sex is an important part of who we all are as human beings. Our bodies have evolved extensively to maximize our experience of sex, and in our house we believe it would be foolish to try to reject the fact that sexuality is a large part of our selves and our marriage. We choose not to segment sex off from the rest of our lives by only having sex at certain times or just in bed, or just certain positions, etc.

We integrate sex into every aspect of our home life, and are very joyfully physically intimate all the time when we are together.How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?Maybe you want sex at the wrong time or you haven't warmed her up enough to want to have sex with you. I had this same problem because I only wanted sex when I wanted it and not when she wanted it. I started taking her to the movies, club or out to dinner and after some wine or champagne, it was on! Music also helps to set the mood but don't expect her to want sex just because you want it, some girls need foreplay first to get hot!How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?
I think it's importance changes as the marriage changes and grows. There are so many up and down cycles in life/relationships that one always affects the other. Generally, there is usually one spouse who is more apt to take the lead for the most part. Communication and compromise is key.
Sex is the most important thing in marriage, though it may vary in relationship. sex is the first step of the stairs towards faith and satisfaction. it is the best way to develop intimacy.for me it is more important than food. one should take food on alternate days but have nice sex atleast thrice daily. the best secret to a happy married life.How important is sex to you in your marriage/relationship?
in a marriage, it should be very important, you should have sex at least 2-3 times a just helps the relationship...if you stop having sex in your marriage, somethings wrong.

for a's depends on what kind of relationship you have.
Do what we men do, cuddle, play with her, "sexually" until she falls into the game you are planning on. Don't just go for the sex , a women is like a guitar you need to play it to find the cords and make it sound good.
For women its different we become a little less concerned about it unless its amazing. Maybe shes bored and needs some spicing up. Romance is key. Take her somewher u have never been before and do things to her u have never done. That always works
I'm female and I find it very important. If you and your significant other are not sexually attracted to each other or have different sexual interests/fetishes then everything else in the relationship may fall apart.
sex is way over rated, when ur with the right person and i mean the one u would die for and truley love that person, then the sex is out of this world, and keeps getting better
Very very very very very important to both my partner and myself, we both love having sex, its absolutely the best way of having intimate quality time with each other and we couldnt imagine life without it!
That's just the way men and women are equipped. My husband and I make love several times a week, but when we are too tired, lack of time, etc. we still kiss and cuddle and enjoy each others company.
Sex is very important in me and my husbands marriage BUT its not the most important thing.
Sex is not very important to me but it is VERY important to my fiancee. I guess we are like you and your wife.
It is very important to both of us because it helps us bond.
Maybe you just don't do it for your wife.
Sex is right up there with oxygen.
sex is solely for the purpose of pro-creation. If you want kids, have sex, but if you don't want kids, don't have sex. That's how it's meant to be.

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