Sunday, February 5, 2012

Help! Why I'm I Still In Love??

I didn't put the name of my ex but anyway, when I am around im/her my stomach hurts with butterflies and feels tight, my heart beats out of my chest, i get shakey, and cold with goosebumps. He/she's always on my mind LIKE 24/7 litterly if I thinking about food I ranform into thinking about him/her plus I dream, and day dream about that person even if its just a normal thinking proccess. Thir name and face just won't go away. Plus when that person cheated on me (2007-2010 dated. 2002-2011 friendship) my heart just broke i mean I was feeling the same thing that i felt when I was with her...i mean him/her and i cried, and cried and cried I honestly, thought we was meant to be but he/she cheated on me and now he/she has a baby on the way (LOL try to get that one) and is endgaged but get this before he/she meant "her" he/she broke up with me for another chick saying he/she isn't in love with me and don't love me anymore and hates me (he/she hits me he/she can be abusive) and said he/she is in love with her and do anything with her and having her move in but now he/she went on with someone else i dont get it why cheat in me with someone u claim ur in love with and move on to someonje else and he/she is all happy and im jealous. I found out he/she has a FB and i had butterflies in my belly, I get very cold and shaky and tingly and love and hate feeling when I saw her...i mean pic and seeing him/her with my ex in pics all happy making me feel more jealous and feel like why couldn't I make her happy like that? i was there for him/her make him/her smile and u know do all them lovley dovey ish and this is how he/she repaid me? i know I don't deserve a bad gf/bf like him/her but I can't stop thinking, dreaming, writing, and having them annyoying feelings for him/her everytime I hear her/his name or see a pic. I know im in love but THE REAL question is why am I still in love? i want to stop being overly obbssed with this person but when u been togather for 3 years (if ur inlcuding 10 years of our "so called freiendship its very hard I tried to coupe with it by hanging out with friends and im seeing this boy/girl who i been going out for a year i love and like her enough to be comminted (im 20 years old so dont say im to young) but for some reason im still in love with him/her any advice on how to get over that mean cheating as ex I had? were both mentally disibaled and been in special ed all our lives grow up through thick and thin thought I could trust OH FORGET I'LL JUST SAY IT....HER HER HER (im a but i was wrong she graduated in 2009 at 18 im still in schol in a baby calss (lol) til im 21 and that kinda get me busy and her off my mind but it ain't working. shes not a bad friend shes sweet, funny and nice BUT has bi polar and i think autism but us being in a relationship (or use to be) was bad. Anyway don't say tl to read cuz this is a matter i need to let go. Thanks ppl :) btw It would help if you could put your experience on here and tell me how you moved on...FOR REAL and keep her/him off your mind :) thank you btw im actallu thinking of him/her right now lol i hate being in love with someone who is gone :(Help! Why I'm I Still In Love??
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