Monday, January 30, 2012

Family doesnt like our baby name?

My husband and I are expecting a 3rd child in march 2011. We find out next month what the baby is. We decided on a name that we are both in love with but my family hates it. Whether its a boy or girl, its going to be camdyn. If its a girl, my family wants to nickname her Cammie, just b/c they dont like camdyn. What should I do? I dont want her calling her cammie but we love the name. what would you do?|||I did the exact same thing.. I went in my pregnancy saying Kamryn if its a girl and Cameron if its a boy.. My family also dislike Kamryn for a girl and they now call her Kam Kam. Ughhh she is 10 and it is annoying, but you really can't help the fact that people give her nicknames. There isn't really a way to get around it. Just kinda have to deal with it. Camdyn is a nice name and if you love it, that's really all that matters.|||If you like Camdyn stick with it, don't let your families sway the name you've chosen. It's your child you can call it what you want. Just tell your family that although they don't really like the name you and your husband have chosen you would like it if they respected your wishes and didn't call her (if it is a her) Cammie. I know talking to your family about this can be awkward, but don't worry once the baby comes they'll be so overjoyed that they won't care at all what you've named him or her.|||I used to live close by Camden, a district in London, the name makes me all nostalgic, haha. Awesome shopping place!!

Tell your family the historical aspect of the name 'Camden' (just look it up on wiki or so), maybe that way you might trick them into thinking it's more sophisticated and traditional (and not trendy), hence they might start liking it...

Cammie is just the typical nickname for any name starting with 'Cam', camille, cameron, I suppose people would end up calling her that anyways since it's simpler than Camdyn. Like you can't really convince her playmates to call her by her full name (my parents tried to get the kids in kindy to call me by my 1st and middle name, that epically failed!!).

Otherwise you might use 'Cem' for a nick name (pronounced 'Ciem' with a s-sound 'c', that's what this dude called cameroon that i knew went by), but that's kinda ugly...|||Not to be rude, but I agree with first poster. Camdyn is not feminine at all and I could definitely see why someone would want to call her Cammie.

But if you are dead-set on the name, then simply insist that this family member calls her Camdyn and not Cammie.

As a side note, my kids' grandparents have nicknames for my kids and they love it. They have never been confused or insisted that I call them that nickname. It is like a special tradition between them and they cherish it. Maybe you can try to let that family member call her Cammie if it is that important to her. It won't hurt your child any.

Edited to add to below poster: Kids don't get confused because you call Camdyn Cammie instead. Does your child get confused when you call them sweetie, honey or darling? Same thing applies. The child will know that their name is Camdyn.|||It's your husband and your choice what you would like to name your child. Although it hurts to have family disapprove of your choice, i say if both you love the name, then don't worry about what other people say. Do what makes you happy. Also, if you don't want the baby to be called Cammie, ask them to call her by Camdyn and not Cammie. If they are respectful of you and your husband, they should honor your request. Good luck, and Congratulations on your bundle of joy-to-be!|||My entire family hated the name that my parents chose for me when I was born, but my parents stuck to their guns and named me L茅onor, and as far as I know they've never regretted it, and my family loves it now. They hated it so much, but then I was born and they saw how much it fit me, and they fell in love with it. I think you should name your child Camdyn. It's YOUR child, and you have to live with the name that you give them for the rest of their life. So, if you love Camdyn, and Camdyn is what you want, then go for it. Your family will come around.|||I like the name! If they ever call "her" Cammie I would say "Mom her name is Camdyn. She never goes by Cammie." Maybe she'll get the hint.... one day! Names are so personal and have special meanings to each person I cant believe anyone could call any name "ugly." Okay there are a few absurd ones but Camdyn is very beautiful. If you were going to name your baby Pear or Apple I might say something, but to each his own. lol Good Luck!|||i love the name but not for a girl its too boyish. so maybe just save it for a boy nd nme ur daughter something similar likr Kamryn or Karsyn. if you really want camdyn for a girl id spell it with a K kamdyn looks more girly. or may i suggest using kamdyn for the middle name ? bc clearly they would call her kammie either way and maybe when she got older shed alsp prefer cammie. heres just a few suggestions

kelsea camdyn

olivia camdyn

alyson camdyn

lacie camdyn

maisy camdyn

thats just a few that came to mind. goodluck and if you really really wanna name her that dont let anyone stop you shes your child not theres.


laur|||One my friends had the same problem. I think it hurt her feelings that the family did not like the name, but she was adamant of what the child's name would be and what she would not be called! Stick to your gut about the name. Stand up for the name you love. You have the power to take control of the situation, remain assertive and stand your ground to tell them what the will be!!!|||Whether people like it or not you should go with it! Everyone is always going to have an opinion and you will never make everyone happy. I think it sucks that your family would outright tell you that they don't like it, it's kind of rude...but anyway name him or her what you want and ignore the negative opinions.|||I would never use that name to begin with, and I especially wouldn't put a "y" in it for absolutely no reason. Incidentally, even though it's not a real name, you've made it look way too feminine for a boy.

If I were you, I would use Cameron for a boy and Camille for a girl.|||I like the name Camdyn. I don't see a problem with it. Your family has five months to get used to the name, but when they meet him/her it shouldn't matter. Although I, personally like the name Cammie. In the end its your choice, your child.|||Honestly, it's your child. What are they going to do about you naming your child something they don't like?

but really? There are better options than Camdyn, but if you really really love the name, Cammie does indeed sound more feminine.|||tough tittie. you can't keep them or anyone else from giving her a nickname. i bet if it's a boy, they do the same thing. cam-dyn doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

***** ohh, nooo, wait wait.... the boy's nickname with be cam-cam!|||Well, I don't like it either.

I'm not seeing how Camdyn is feminine at all. Cammie's honestly the best she could get which would indicate that she is clearly female. Not only that, it's a pretty good nickname.

Camille? Please?|||Camden, NJ is the worst. good luck with that don't let he or she move around there they will get made fun of horribly. Not trying to be mean. Just being honest. If he/she moves around there nickname is necessary.|||Simple. Go with the name that you want. Its your child. Ask her not to call her Cammie.|||What would I do? I wouldn't name my baby Camdyn. Cameron is better

But- if you guys love it than thats all that matters.|||I love it!! I think it's wayy cute!! :) Just ask your family not to call her Cammie; it's not their baby it's yours!|||Name must have some logical meaning

It gives meaning to someones life.|||Tell your parents that you don't want to confuse the poor child as she grows older, she could become confused if some people are calling her Cammie, and others are calling her Camdyn, and even though they don't like the name, that is what you and your husband chose and the baby is your child so you have the rights to name him/her whatever you please... But it also puts a damper on your side of the argument, my mom always said "if you don't like the nicknames that come with a particular name, then don't name them that name because chances are when they grow older, they are going to hate their name and PREFER the nickname themselves!" So even if you get your parents to agree to not call your daughter Cammie, your child may end up preferring that name later in life, so there is really no way of escape, if you don't like the name Cammie than you may want to try to consider other names that you like every version of, nicknames and all!

Example: My moms favorite name was Gabrielle, and she didn't name me Gabrielle because she hated the nickname Gabby... and after I thought about it...If my name was Gabrielle, I probably would prefer to be called Gabby, and my mother would be displeased... understand?

but in the end, the baby is your child and you can name him or her whatever you want, your family and your friends on Yahoo Answers shouldn't have any say, i'm just giving you some advice! Good luck!

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